The Fourfold state of man 1

The three or four-fold state of man is made up of

1. Man's primitive integrity
2. His entire depravation
3. His begun recovery through conversion and new birth
4. His consummate happiness in the world to come (if converted)

Monergism provide a chart

Pre-Fall Man        Post-Fall Man        Reborn Man        Glorified Man
able to sin                able to sin                able to sin            able to not sin
able to not sin       unable to not sin        able to not sin         unable to sin

Thomas Boston writes of

I. The State of INNOCENCE
II. The State of NATURE
1. The SINFULNESS of man's natural state
2. The MISERY of man's natural state
3. The INABILITY of man's natural state
III. The State of GRACE
IV. The State of GLORY